Sunday, February 8, 2009

forget this

you can find me there now


Sunday, January 11, 2009

To Write Love and the internet

The internet is amazing.
It's that simple really. It's like its own living being - expanding and growing without limits. Who would have thought even ten years ago that we would be able to do some of the things on the internet that we are doing now with such ease.

I am currently watching a live webcast of the To Write Love On Her Arms HEAVY AND LIGHT Event in Orlando, Florida at the House of Blues. Live. With amazing quality. Without skipping. It's cool. It's really cool.

Please, learn about TWLOHA.

Monday, November 17, 2008

:( is this really too much to ask?

I just want to sign up for my classes
and hope to heaven on high that someone drops out of the ones I want that are currently full so that I can swoop in and enroll
I want my ears to stop ringing
I want my nose to stop running
I want to stop having to breathe through my mouth because my nose is too stuffed up to breathe through my nose. It's hurting my throat.
I want the pressure above my eyes to stop.
I want the pressure from the congestion to stop hurting me teeth.
I want my wisdom teeth to stop pushing my teeth too.

It's really not too much to ask. I just want to be well, and enrolled. This is all I ask for, because then I can sleep. I can finally sleep a blissful sleep and wake up and be able to concentrate and have a productive day.

I just want my ears to stop ringing and my teeth to stop hurting. This isn't fun.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One Act

I like doing things for other people...especially my friends. I actually get asked quite a bit why I go out of my way to do things for friends, but isn't that what being a friend is all about? Anyway, what if we did these things for total strangers? Would you do something for a stranger that you would also do for a dear friend, now matter how far back it may set you (emotionally, financially, socially, etc.)?

My dear friend Chaz showed me this article today. He also had this to say, "The author wrote three books that I read; The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Tuesdays With Morrie, and For One More Day. The Five People You Meet In Heaven and Tuesdays were my favorites :]"

Thanks Chaz!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm just not sure if the things I once wanted are things that I still want.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I need a break

With so much going on I just really need a break. A long one. Or at least longish. More than a day would be pleasant. No school, no work, no plans, and no obligations to do anything or see anyone. It's not that I don't want to see you, it's just that making plans of any kind is stressing me out.

About three days would be nice.